The Federation of Netley Abbey Infant and Junior Schools

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 page. Here you will find useful information about our termly curriculum, PE days, homework expectations and useful websites.

Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2023-2024

Please click on the blue writing to see what we are learning this term:

Year 3 Summer 1 Curriculum Map 2024
Year 3 Summer 2 Curriculum Map 2024


 Our Reading Bookcase shows some of the key texts we will read across our curriculum:

We use our CLIC values to help us to learn to the best of our ability.

We believe that every child has the right-


C– to be a confident communicator

L– to learn

I– to improve their health

C– to be part of a community

At Netley Abbey Junior School, these ideas underpin all of our learning. With this in mind, please take some time to see what we have been up to in class.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please feel free to talk to our class teachers in the first instance who should be able to answer any queries. Alternatively, you can direct any questions to Mrs Rosie Earle, Federation Director of Teaching and Learning. 

Our Learning

Autumn Term 2023 - Meerkat Madness!

What a great start to life at Junior School! We have had to learn lots of new rules and expectations, and we are trying hard to follow them so we can follow the Netley motto of being “The Best We Can Be”

We are really enjoying reading “Meerkat Mail” by Emily Gravett, and following Sunny’s adventures as he tries his best to find his perfect home on his journey. We are learning to predict and to infer using clues and feelings in the story. We are excited to research and learn lots of facts about meerkats, and we are learning how to organise our information using headings and subheadings so we can write fact files about meerkats. We have found out some really interesting facts! For example, did you know that meerkats in the wild eat 200 scorpions a day?

In Geography, we are learning the location of the seven continents and five oceans. How many continents have you visited? We are also investigating the four countries within the United Kingdom by researching different landmarks, national symbols and famous foods from each country. Later this year, we will be learning about mountains and their locations within the continents and countries we have researched. Do you know the names of any famous mountains?

In Maths, we are making sure we have a good understanding of ten and ones, then hundreds, tens and ones so we can be confident with our use of place value. This will really help us with our addition and subtraction skills. We are familiarising ourselves with the concrete resources we have in our new classrooms and using them to support our learning. 

We are LOVING being in Year 3!


Spring Term 2024 - From Rock to Heavy Metal! Stone Age to Iron Age

What a busy term we have had! We have learned all about the Stone Age to Iron Age, looking at differences between the time periods and how to order events chronologically on a time line. We were shocked to discover how long the Stone Age was! We travelled back through different periods of time to get there in our time machine. It was so much fun!


When we went to Butser Ancient Farm, we learned so much! Do you know how they insulated their homes during the Stone Age? They built their walls using hazel rods, weaved them around huge poles, and filled the gaps with daub. Daub was a mixture of clay, mud and cow dung! Cow dung is great for this because it is really stretchy!


We made new leaflets for Butser Farm to persuade schools to go and visit. Here is some of our work:




CASTLE CLASS               

Miss Wells - Class Teacher

Progress and Attainment Lead



Mrs Huntington – Class Teacher



Mrs Kreft – Class Teacher

Physical Education and Forest Schools

The children need their full PE kit in school every day including trainers.

We will send PE kits home every Friday to be washed and they must be returned to school each Monday please. The children need suitable outdoor clothes for Forest Schools, including covered legs and arms. 

Earrings must be removed or covered in ear tape provided from home. Hair must be tied back. 

The children have one indoor and one outdoor PE session each week.

Our PE days for Summer 2024 are:

Castle – Tuesday and Wednesday       

Denzil - Monday and Wednesday

Westwood – Monday and Wednesday


Homework will be set every Friday and must be completed by the

following Wednesday.

Each Friday, the homework for the week will be posted on Microsoft Teams and the teachers will check on a Wednesday that all the children have posted their responses. Each week, a Year 3 child is expected to complete:

  • READING Read at least 5 times a week and record a response in their reading record (this could be written by a child or by the adult reading with them); Reading records should be signed by an adult at least three times out of the five reads each week to enable children to receive reading "Readopoly" rewards
  • SPELLING Each child will receive 6 spellings a week that they will be tested on each Wednesday. Teachers will also check that the children are using these spellings in their class work and not just learning them for a test! The children should practise the spellings as many ways as they like and more than once for them to be able to recall them quickly. 
  • ARITHMETIC Each half term, Year 3 will be set key number facts to learn. They will have been taught them in school to be practised at home. You can do this as often as you like! Car journeys are good for practising these mental recall skills!
  • TIMES TABLES The children can log in to Times Tables Rock Stars to practise the multiplication tables set for them by their teacher. We may use other games and ideas to help them through the term.


Spelling Homework 

Year 3 are learning their Year 3 statutory spellings once they are confidently using their Year 1 and 2 spellings in their classwork.

Each child will receive 6 spellings each week to practise using the Kinetic letters handwriting they are learning in a spelling homework book. These spellings will be tested each Wednesday, and the class teachers will check the children are spelling the words correctly in their class work, too.

Once the children have built up 50 correct spellings over the term, they will receive their Bronze Spelling Award, 100 spellings earns them a Silver Award, and 150 spellings will earn them their Gold! If the children consistently get 5 or 6 correct a week through the year, they may even receive their 200 correct spellings Platinum Award! 


Times Tables

Please continually practise your child’s times tables with them over the year. The government expectation is that children should know all times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. With this in mind, it is important children consolidate their learning regularly at home in order to meet age related expectations.

In Year 3, we learn the multiplication and associated division facts for the 5, 10, 2, 4, 8 and 3 times tables.

 Library Days - 

 Please ensure your two library books are in school on:

Castle - Tuesday

Denzil - Wednesday

Westwood - Friday

We are unable to issue new books until the ones on loan have been returned. Many thanks for your help with this. 

Recommended Reads

Many parents have asked if we can recommend age-appropriate challenging texts for their child.

Below are links to two book lists of ‘recommended reads’ which are suitable for Year 3 Readers and for More Able Readers:

SLS Booklists Able Readers at KS2

Year 3 Book list

Grammar Guide for Parents

This useful guide is an excellent tool when helping children with their homework or revising key grammar vocabulary:

A Parents_Guide to grammar